- Salado High School
- What is a Salado ISD Police Officer
S.I.S.D. Police Department
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The Salado ISD police officers are specially trained, highly visible, sworn Texas Peace Officers with a primary function of ensuring the safety of all students, staff, and visitors district-wide. They are also classroom resources for instruction in law-related education, violence diffusion, safety programs, alcohol and drug prevention, crime prevention, and other areas.
Salado ISD police officers are valuable liaisons within the District and help provide community-oriented policing services for all of our campuses, facilities, and the surrounding community.
The main goals of the Salado ISD police officers are:
- Build trusting relationships through personal contact with students on a daily basis.
- Bridge the gap between police officers and young people, while increasing positive attitudes toward law enforcement.
- Teach the value of our legal system.
- Promote respect for people and property.
- Serve as a role model and positive adult influence for all students.
- Take a genuine, personal interest in students and their activities.
- Teach students how to avoid becoming a victim through self-awareness and crime prevention.
The Salado ISD Police Department works in close collaboration with other area law enforcement and public safety entities to ensure SISD is a safe as it can possibly be.
Our police officers serve all the students, staff, community, campuses, and facilities within the 134 square mile boundaries of Salado ISD.